Would a blood test rule out Non Hodgkins Lymphoma? - how do they test for hodgkins
My bf had no intention of Hodgkin's 8 years, what we believe may swollen lymph nodes around the collarbone / space pressure point.
He is a quarterly check-ups and blood tests a month ago, returned to normal. A blood count, protein and all. I fear that might be back after 8 years. It feels good, but no other symptoms, many of energy, etc ... Hopefully, if they had discovered earlier, but just curious do you know if the blood test can rule, and fighting anyone knows of no success with the NHL? Both the fear that without him: (!
Late recurrences are rare. No blood test is useful here, as compared to a lymph node biopsy or excision. If you do not explain the source of infection to the lymph node biopsy, would be an appropriate next step in its history.
God bless you, best wishes
My father and he has for 16 years. or more I'm not positive. Not to say a blood test used to. It is surgery to remove it and then you could say. My parents were not returned, but am not sure that all will be fought successfully. He'll get better. Hit me up via e-mail and we can share stories. It is difficult, but I know that all is well.
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